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    Morgan Dollar
Denomination Type
  1. Draped Bust Half Cent 1 item
  2. Flying Eagle Cent 1 item
  3. Indian Cent 7 items
  4. Lincoln Cent 34 items
  5. Two Cent 3 items
  6. Three Cent Silver 1 item
  7. Shield Nickel 1 item
  8. Liberty Nickel 1 item
  9. Buffalo Nickel 6 items
  10. Jefferson Nickel 14 items
  11. Capped Bust Half Dime 1 item
  12. Liberty Seated Half Dime 1 item
  13. Mercury Dime 5 items
  14. Roosevelt Dime 6 items
  15. Liberty Seated Quarter 1 item
  16. Standing Liberty Quarter 2 items
  17. Washington Quarter 11 items
  18. Liberty Seated Half Dollar 1 item
  19. Walking Liberty Half Dollar 4 items
  20. Franklin Half Dollar 12 items
  21. Kennedy Half Dollar 6 items
  22. Trade Dollar 5 items
  23. Morgan Dollar 20 items
  24. Ike Dollar 3 items
  25. Isabella 25c 2 items
  26. Alabama 50c 1 item
  27. Alabama 2x2 50c 3 items
  28. Albany 50c 2 items
  29. Antietam 50c 4 items
  30. Arkansas 50c 3 items
  31. Bay Bridge 50c 1 item
  32. Boone 50c 5 items
  33. Cincinnati 50c 1 item
  34. Columbia 50c 1 item
  35. Columbian 50c 2 items
  36. Delaware 50c 2 items
  37. Gettysburg 50c 3 items
  38. Grant 50c 1 item
  39. Hawaiian 50c 1 item
  40. Hudson 50c 2 items
  41. Huguenot 50c 2 items
  42. Iowa 50c 3 items
  43. Lexington 50c 1 item
  44. Lincoln 50c 2 items
  45. Long Island 50c 2 items
  46. Lynchburg 50c 1 item
  47. Missouri 50c 1 item
  48. Monroe 50c 1 item
  49. Norfolk 50c 1 item
  50. Oregon 50c 3 items
  51. Panama Pacific 50c 2 items
  52. Pilgrim 50c 4 items
  53. Rhode Island 50c 3 items
  54. Roanoke 50c 2 items
  55. Robinson 50c 1 item
  56. San Diego 50c 3 items
  57. Sesqui 50c 1 item
  58. Stone Mountain 50c 1 item
  59. Texas 50c 9 items
  60. Vermont 50c 1 item
  61. Booker T. Washington 50c 11 items
  62. Washington-Carver 50c 8 items
  63. McKinley G$1 1 item
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20 Items

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  1. 1879-S $1 Morgan Dollar PCGS MS65
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  2. 1881-S $1 Morgan Dollar PCGS MS64
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  3. 1882-CC $1 Morgan Dollar PCGS MS64
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  4. 1882-S $1 Morgan Dollar PCGS MS63+
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  5. 1883-O $1 Morgan Dollar PCGS MS63
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  6. 1883-O $1 Morgan Dollar PCGS MS65+
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  7. 1883-O $1 Morgan Dollar PCGS MS65+
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  8. 1883-O $1 Morgan Dollar CACG MS64+
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  9. 1883-O $1 Morgan Dollar PCGS MS64
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  10. 1884-CC $1 Morgan Dollar PCGS MS65
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  11. 1884-CC $1 Morgan Dollar PCGS MS66PL
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  12. 1884-O $1 Morgan Dollar PCGS MS65+
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  13. 1885 $1 Morgan Dollar PCGS MS64
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  14. 1885-O $1 Morgan Dollar PCGS MS65 CAC
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  15. 1885-O $1 Morgan Dollar PCGS MS64
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  16. 1888-O $1 Morgan Dollar PCGS MS63
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  17. 1896-O Morgan Dollar S$1 NGC MS62
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  18. 1884-O Morgan Dollar S$1 NGC MS64
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  19. 1884-O Morgan Dollar S$1 NGC MS63
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  20. 1882-O Morgan Dollar S$1 NGC MS64+
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  • 24
  • 36
  • 48
  • 60
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