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  1. Indian Cent 1 item
  2. Lincoln Cent 2 items
  3. Three Cent Silver 1 item
  4. Jefferson Nickel 2 items
  5. Mercury Dime 4 items
  6. Roosevelt Dime 2 items
  7. Washington Quarter 8 items
  8. Walking Liberty Half Dollar 3 items
  9. Franklin Half Dollar 1 item
  10. Isabella 25c 1 item
  11. Albany 50c 1 item
  12. Antietam 50c 1 item
  13. Cincinnati 50c 1 item
  14. Columbian 50c 1 item
  15. Huguenot 50c 1 item
  16. Lincoln 50c 1 item
  17. Oregon 50c 2 items
  18. Pilgrim 50c 3 items
  19. Rhode Island 50c 1 item
  20. Texas 50c 1 item
  21. Vermont 50c 1 item
  22. Booker T. Washington 50c 3 items
  23. Washington-Carver 50c 4 items
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  1. 1903 1C Indian Cent - Type 3 Bronze PCGS MS67RD
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  2. 1941-D 1C Lincoln Cent - Type 1 Wheat Reverse PCGS MS67RB (CAC)
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  3. 1972 1C Doubled Die Obverse Lincoln Cent (Modern) - Type 3 Memorial Reverse (Copper) PCGS MS67RD
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  4. 1938-D 5C Jefferson Jefferson Nickel PCGS MS67
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  5. 1926 10C Mercury Dime PCGS MS67
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  6. 1939 10C Mercury Dime PCGS MS67
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  7. 1941 10C Mercury Dime PCGS MS67
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  8. 1945-S 10C Mercury Dime PCGS MS67FB
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  9. 1946 10C Roosevelt Dime PCGS MS67
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  10. 1964 10C Roosevelt Dime PCGS MS67
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  11. 1937 25C Washington Quarter CACG MS67
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  12. 1944 25C Washington Quarter PCGS MS67
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  13. 1948-S 25C Washington Quarter PCGS MS67
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  14. 1951-S 25C Washington Quarter PCGS MS67
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  15. 1956-D 25C Washington Quarter PCGS MS67
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  16. 1958-D 25C Washington Quarter PCGS MS67
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  17. 1964 25C Washington Quarter PCGS MS67
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  18. 1937-D 50C Walking Liberty Half Dollar PCGS MS67
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  19. 1938 50C Walking Liberty Half Dollar PCGS MS67
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  20. 1938-D 50C Walking Liberty Half Dollar PCGS MS67
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  21. 1945-P 5C Jefferson Nickel PCGS MS67FS
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  22. ISABELLA 1893 25C Silver Commemorative PCGS MS67
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  23. CINCINNATI 1936 50C Silver Commemorative PCGS MS67
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  24. COLUMBIAN 1893 50C Silver Commemorative PCGS MS67
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Sabel Rarities 2024 | Site by Digital Studio NW