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  1. Lincoln Cent 6 items
  2. Buffalo Nickel 1 item
  3. Roosevelt Dime 1 item
  4. Standing Liberty Quarter 2 items
  5. Washington Quarter 4 items
  6. Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1 item
  7. Franklin Half Dollar 3 items
  8. Kennedy Half Dollar 1 item
  9. Trade Dollar 2 items
  10. Morgan Dollar 3 items
  11. Alabama 2x2 50c 1 item
  12. Albany 50c 1 item
  13. Gettysburg 50c 1 item
  14. Iowa 50c 1 item
  15. Panama Pacific 50c 1 item
  16. Pilgrim 50c 1 item
  17. San Diego 50c 1 item
  18. Booker T. Washington 50c 2 items
  19. Washington-Carver 50c 1 item
  20. McKinley G$1 1 item
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Items 25 to 35 of 35 total

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  1. ALBANY 1936 50C Silver Commemorative PCGS MS66
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  2. GETTYSBURG 1936 50C Silver Commemorative PCGS MS66
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  3. IOWA 1946 50C Silver Commemorative PCGS MS66 (CAC)
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  4. 2006 1C Lincoln Cent (Modern) - Type 4 Memorial Reverse (Zinc) PCGS MS66RB
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  5. PANAMA PACIFIC 1915-S 50C Silver Commemorative PCGS MS66
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  6. PILGRIM 1920 50C Silver Commemorative PCGS MS66
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  7. SAN DIEGO 1935-S 50C Silver Commemorative PCGS MS66
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  8. WASHINGTON, BOOKER T. 1946 50C Silver Commemorative PCGS MS66
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  9. WASHINGTON, BOOKER T. 1946-D 50C Silver Commemorative PCGS MS66
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  10. WASHINGTON CARVER 1952 50C Silver Commemorative PCGS MS66
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  11. 1957-D Franklin Half Dollar 50C NGC MS66FBL
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